Friday, December 31, 2010
Jacpot Hikes Down to the Boy Scout Camp
Today, some went skiing, some worked on jigsaw puzzles and dinner preparation and the rest of us went on a beautiful hike.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Jacpot Gets Overwhelmed By All The People

We had 22 people and 2 dogs at the cabin for dinner and social time tonight. After we ate, the kids played in the game room and the adults had a competitive game of up and down the river at the kitchen table. Jacpot was taken aback by all the commotion but as always had a great time, for him the more the merrier. To top off the evening the rain had turned to snow. Jacpot looks forward to fresh snow tomorrow and getting to play with all the families of the Hursts, Whites, Labrenzes, Shores, and Danns. (Clicking on the picture will help get a better view of the shots I stitched together)
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Jacpot Gets An Early Christmas Present
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Monday, December 20, 2010
Jacpot Catches Snowballs
Jacpot Loves His Morning Walks to the Cold Springs Store
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Jacpot Doesn't Understand
We hike miles to the store (Cindy has grocery bag in hand) through 2 feet of snow at times, Jacpot plays and plays the whole way. Upon returning to the cabin we are ready for a nice cup of hot chocolate and read by the fire. Jacpot gives a look of "I don't understand" why would we go back inside when I can bound through this fresh soft snow some more.

Monday, November 22, 2010
Jacpot Thought He Saw Santa Claus...
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Jacpot Brings His New Buddy To Cold Springs
After arriving in Cold Springs we have gotten well over a foot of snow and Jacpot and buddy Scruffy are having a blast playing in the snow.
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Jacpot Enjoys The Weather Change
The cooler weather means Jacpot and myself are able to get out on runs in the hills later in the day when we are unable to get in some morning exercise.
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Jacpot Meets Molly The Duck Chaser
While Jacpot and I were on our sunrise run in the hills this morning, we ran into two ladies and three dogs we have chatted with before. Jacpot had even chased a bunny with one of the dogs named Molly before. After a moment, it was obvious Jacpot was letting me know he would much rather stay back and play with Molly so I capitulated, and had a nice walk through the hills and back along the aqueduct with our new pack. On our return Molly showed Jacpot some pretty impressive skills running along the water and upon arrival near a duck in the water leaping in the air and just missing the ducks. Molly even put up a good swim after them all the way to the other side. Jacpot was impressed but I think he is going to leave the duck chasing to Molly.

Jacpot, Molly, and Shelly.

Jacpot, Molly, and Shelly.
Monday, August 9, 2010
Jacpot Goes To Camp Hurst
While Cindy and I went to Vegas Saturday and Sunday Jacpot went to Camp Hurst. Jacpot enjoys playing outside with everyone but also enjoys the indoor times.
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Jacpot Runs Through Fire
Picture by Dave White
At least he ran through the remains of last weeks fire. When we were away last week the hills burned right up to the homes near our house. This morning Jacpot and I went on a sunrise run through the burned out remains on the way to Bunny Hill.
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Jacpot Gets Medical Clearnce

Upon returning to the cabin I allowed Jacpot to go down and watch Steve and Warren play catch on the road. Unfortunately Jacpot does not do 'watch' very well and he ripped the pads on his paws again running back and forth as they threw the ball. After four days of rest, and depression watching others go to the lake without him, Jacpot was cleared
by "Dr. Cindy" for a run this morning. It goes without saying we had a great time and the swim afterwards was very refreshing. The depression is long gone and Jacpot is back to his old self.
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Jacpot Goes 4-Wheelin'
We had a great time up at the cabin in Cold Springs again. As always Jacpot enjoyed the morning runs around the lake and swimming afterwards, but it was time for a new adventure. Jerry encouraged us to take a spin in his new toy he has left at the cabin so we wasted no time popping off the top and heading up into the hills. 

Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Jacpot Has His Nails Done
About 5 weeks ago, Jacpot was playing at the park and got a bloody toenail. The nail has continued to be sensitive and Jacpot has not been getting much exercise. Soon, I hope to get out there exercising with Jacpot more so I took him in for a manicure to be on the safe side. In the picture it looks like he might be thinking he has lunch in his sight, but they both got along very well.

Monday, April 26, 2010
Jacpot Takes A Break
Jacpot is currently taking a break from adventures, in order to watch over two great foster kids we have staying with us right now. Jacpot still gets plenty of exercise playing with an 8 year old girl and 4 year old boy. Jacpot probably won't have another post until late May or early June.

Jacpot keeps watch to make sure everything is ok.

Jacpot keeps watch to make sure everything is ok.
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Jacpot In The Cold Springs Group Picture
Jacpot had a great time hunting easter eggs. Until I get a picture or two posted check out Dave's blog of the group shot in the same position over the last 7 years at this link.
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Jacpot Finds An Old Nameplate
Jacpot and I went to the other side of Pinecrest Lake Saturday to do some metal detecting, while the water level is down. We had a nice time and saw
the lake from a different perspective. The majority of the time we dug up old beer cans and other junk. Along with two dimes (not very old) we found a nameplate that probably fell off a boat many years a ago. Researching on google for the name Frank A Cressey Jr. I was able to find out some interesting information about the family but no address. Perhaps it is just junk, but it would be nice to find an address and mail it to a member of the family. 

Friday, March 26, 2010
Jacpot Makes The Most Of The Mountains
Jacpot has enjoyed going up to Dodge Ridge Ski Resort and hanging out with the skiers. The resort has felt almost empty with maybe a couple 100 at most on the slopes. The weather was beautiful and we enjoyed relaxing on the deck and having lunch in the sunshine. Jacpot goes to the lake each day, for either a hike to the other side of the lake or just play time. Teresa has been giving him extra exercise with 5 to 10 mile runs around the area to supplement our other walks. We got snow last night, but as the sun rises this morning the snow on the tree branches should melt shortly.
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Jacpot Feels Right At Home In The Mountains
We returned to the mountains last night and wasted no time by going to Pinecrest Lake and watched the sunrise in the morning. Later in the day we drove down to Twaine Hart for some supplies where Jacpot had a great time playing with a new friend he met named Amos. Unfortunately we will miss out on our usual runs around the lake since last week on a run, I tripped over Jacpots feet, fell on a curb, and bruised a rib. I am hoping to be healed shortly.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Jacpot Gives Me A Nudge
Jacpot has been giving that look for over a month now. Maybe I have been imagining it, but it sure seems real. It's that look that says, "The park is nice... I like chasing a ball or catching a frisbee.... but, when are we going to get back out there and run in the hills?"
After getting one too many looks, today was the day. The plan is to get out 3 or 4 times a week for starters. We'll see just how well that look works.

After getting one too many looks, today was the day. The plan is to get out 3 or 4 times a week for starters. We'll see just how well that look works.

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