Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Jacpot Gets Medical Clearnce

Upon returning to the cabin I allowed Jacpot to go down and watch Steve and Warren play catch on the road. Unfortunately Jacpot does not do 'watch' very well and he ripped the pads on his paws again running back and forth as they threw the ball. After four days of rest, and depression watching others go to the lake without him, Jacpot was cleared

by "Dr. Cindy" for a run this morning. It goes without saying we had a great time and the swim afterwards was very refreshing. The depression is long gone and Jacpot is back to his old self.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Jacpot Goes 4-Wheelin'

We had a great time up at the cabin in Cold Springs again. As always Jacpot enjoyed the morning runs around the lake and swimming afterwards, but it was time for a new adventure. Jerry encouraged us to take a spin in his new toy he has left at the cabin so we wasted no time popping off the top and heading up into the hills.