Friday, June 15, 2012

Jacpot Hangs Out With Me While My Foot Recovers

Running in the San Diege 100 Mile Endurance Run was a great time
The run did not go as I pictured.  My time was slower than I had hoped, but the unexpected and challenging experiences are what we all are really seeking, and I had plenty.

I had hoped to run under 26 hours, but due to my feet and ankle having a lot of trouble I had to walk in the last 20 miles.  My pacer Teresa started running with me at about mile 72, around midnight.  I have to give Teresa a lot of credit putting up with a struggling and slow person for the last 8 to 10 hours, she never lost her enthusiasm.

 Below are a few pictures taken by wife Cindy who was once again awesome to help support  me before, during, and after this run.  Thanks also to the third person of my crew Steve.

A final thank you to the Lenaway Family, who opened up their home on our way down to San Diego.  We got a good nights sleep and had a blast hanging out with their whole awesome family.  To my surprise the Lenaway Family showed up at the finish line to see me putter in.

Jacpot hangs out with me while I ice my feet for a few days after the race.

Cindy, had plenty of down time to go around taking some pictures.

Ready to go at the start of the race.

I think I'm starting to wonder what I am getting myself into.

This is where I got to go running.

This is my favorite picture.  I think it captures how I felt just before the race - calm, but focused.

Arriving at the second Aid Station... I was ahead of my goal time.

Arriving in Aid Station #7 - Feeling tired and hurt feet but still okay.  My time is still pretty good.

I needed a change of socks at #7 (mile 44).  I wore too thin of socks and the blister on my foot was a couple inches in diameter.

Even though I had already run 44 miles and was pretty tired, this is what I enjoy, and was having a good time.

At aid station #10 (mile 72) I still feel pretty good while I have a cup of coffee, and I am still happy with my time.  The struggles begin to really kick in about mile 80. 

My good friend Teresa the pacer did a great job. 

The Lenaways chat with Steve before my arrival.

Arriving at the finish line.

Being congratulated by the race director as I cross the finish line.  193 people started.  131 finished.  I came in 66th.

The Lenaways made this awesome sign.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Jacpot Has Prepared Me The Best He Can For My Run

This Friday I will be leaving  and saying goodbye to Jacpot for the weekend, and I will be running without him.  Jacpot has gone on many runs with me this last year keeping me company as I he motivated me with his enthusiasm (and constant nagging me that he needs exercise) to help me prepare for my 100 mile race.  Unfortunately the race does not allow dogs (Jacpot doesn't get it) and he has to stay home. 

The race is the San Diego 100 Mile Endurance Run and I found out this week that they may be putting live updates of the runners, (or close to live) on their website.  If interested in following my progress (assuming they are able to post it) on the web, on go to:

The race starts this Saturday June 9th at 7:00 A.M. and they may start posting the runner updates an hour or two after the start.  The link is right below the picture and says "Live Cast Runner Tracking."  I expect the run to take me about 26 hours, but the ultimate goal is to just finish, as you never know what can happen over 100 miles.  A week ago Monday, I injured my foot, therefore I have not run for 2 weeks (YIKES!)  after plenty of rest it is feeling better.  All  I can do is  keep my fingers crossed it will be okay by this Saturday.
After looking at Aid Station times from last year's runners, I have come up with my aid station goal times based on my middle of the pack level, but due to cell phone coverage in the mountains they may not update from all stations.    The rows highlighted in yellow are stations accessible by the crews.  My wife Cindy, and friends Steve and Teresa will be my support crew.  Teresa is going to run part of the course with me as my pacer starting at Aid Staion #11.

I am #99 if they list by bib #
Aid Station Miles
#1 Meadows 7.4 No Est.
#2 Red Tail 13.8 9:30 A.M.
#3 Todd's 18.6 10:30 A.M.
#4 Penny Pines #1 23.6 11:35 A.M.
#5 Pine Creek #1 ? No Est.
#6 Pine Creek #2 ? No Est.
#7 Pioneer Mail #1 44 5:30 P.M.
#8 Sunrise #1 51.3 7:00 P.M.
#9 Stonewall Mine 58.9 8:50 P.M.
#10 Paso Picacho 64.2 10:40 P.M.
#11 Sweetwater 72.3 12:40 A.M.
#12 Sunrise #2 80.3 2:45 A.M.
#13 Pioneer Mail #2 87.5 4:55 A.M.
#14 Penny Pines #2 91.5 6:20 A.M.
#15 Rat Hole 96.3 7:40 A.M.
Finish 100 8:50 A.M.