Saturday, February 28, 2015

Jacpot goes out for a snack

No not really. The pic is of Jacpot and a chihuahua having a nice visit at the vet. The people had just rescued him from a shelter and they were taking him for a checkup. Jacpot was there because unfortunately, he got a big gash on his foot on Wednesday and had to have to have surgery. We went back to have his bandages replaced. At least we met a new friend. 

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Jacpot Visits Patches Again

After an attempt with a faulty harness I got an official GoPro Harness and it works much better.

Jacpot Looks For a pot of gold

And We're Back

After quite an absence, a new purchase has me interested in uploading content again. Below is my first attempt at the "Jacpot Cam" which is me trying to attach my new GoPro camera to an old harness.