Jacpot posing next to the horse in Kingsburg on the way to Cold Springs.

We ran around the lake (4.5 miles) every day except for one due to the smoky air of the northern CA fires. Cindy (above with Jacpot), Teresa, Cindy, myself, and Jacpot all had perfect attendance on the runs. Warren and Judy joined us occasionally.

Jacpot had major concerns about going into the water no matter how much encouragement we gave him. Evenutally he reallized he liked to swim and fetched sticks after each run for as long as we would keep throwing them... see video below.
Jacpot poses for the camera.
Jacpot went kayaking for the first time and had a good time. Jennie and Jacob went kayaking as well but I didn't get any pictures, but I'm sure there will be pictures on the White Spot when Ann and the kids gets home.

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