If you click on the picture below to enlarge it, you may be able to see two figures down by the curve in the aqueduct... those are coyotes.
Jacpot takes a water break on top of Bunny Hill.
Below is another sign of the housing problems. The builder spent millions of dollars putting in roads, sewer, and leveling the ground for houses back in the hills away from civilization where we run. Last month it came out the builder has filed for bankruptcy protection.
Taking a rest on Jacpot Rd. in the Town of Jacpotville.
Here's a picture that Dave just sent me of Jacpot and me out kayaking on the lake near our cabin this summer. (photo by Ann)
Inky eats coyotes for lunch
Eric, I'm not surprised. How many? Inky (the cat) looks like he can eat about 4 or 5 a day. :-)
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