Saturday, January 24, 2009

Jacpot Learns His Heritage

The results of the DNA test arrived yesterday from the BioPet Vet Lab. I don't know how accurate the testing is, but except for the first breed listed, we were all surprised. According to the results the following five dogs are what Jacpot's breeds are, going from highest percentage to lowest.

1. German Shephard
2. Boston Terrier
3. Poodle
4. Yorkshire Terrier
5. Bulldog
We decided that Jacpot's breed is a Borkerrier Shepoodle

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As you say the first one was no surprixe. Seeing the picture of the terrier, I can see where the back end comes and the shorter ears.
The other guys are in the distant past.
what ever he is, he got the best of all of them. Good dog.