The weather was cloudy with light sprinkles this morning which helped for a fairly cool summer morning run. While out on the trails Jacpot spotted some runners off into the distance.
After asking permission I told him he could go say hello.
Could it be, Could it be????.......
How exciting it's Jacpot's favorite Pinecrest Lake running buddy Cindy and her good friend Mango.
In August of 2007 a couple brought a dog into a PetSmart in Palmdale, CA and asked the store to take their puppy. They were told the dog would have to be taken to the animal shelter. A friend named Connie heard the exchange and upon leaving the store realized the couple had abandoned the dog in a shopping cart. Rather than see the dog go to the animal shelter Connie took the dog home and started looking for an owner for the orphaned dog. Connie contacted us and the rest is history. Thanks to a generous donation by little Jacob and Jennie from their piggy bank, we were able to get Jacpot his first batch of food and puppy shots to keep him from getting sick.
Is Cindy's friend named Mango or Margo?
It's Mango Silly.
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