Sunday, April 29, 2012

Jacpot Plays With Snakes

It's been quite a while since I have posted about Jacpot's adventures and now all of a sudden he is playing with snakes?!!!  Perhaps, play is not accurate.  Today Cindy, myself, and Jacpot went to snake avoidance class.  Since Jacpot and I do a fair amount of running in the hills, rattlesnakes is always a concern.  Granted we run in the mornings when snakes are usually not out, but it never hurts to be safe. Jacpot receives a shot each year that acts as a vaccine if he were to ever be bit, but it is not 100% foolproof. 

At this clinic, they start out by putting a shock collar on Jacpot in order to give him an adverse reaction when he sees a snake.  At first, the handler walked Jacpot over to an  area where a rattlesnake that has been milked of all venom and wears a muzzle.  Cindy and I watched from about 100 yards away as we saw Jacpot pointing his muzzle down to get a smell of the snake.  The next thing we see is Jacpot launching himself into the air about 6 feet straight up.  You would have thought I too was standing next to the snake, because I immediately let out a scream like a 12 year old girl. 

The folks at the training were very thorough, taking him from station to station working on sight, sound, and smell avoidance.  Jacpot learned very quickly that he is to have nothing to do with snakes.  Later, they had me get involved with Jacpot and work with him as well around the snakes... this time I didn't scream like a girl, I promise.

 Jacpot is learning
 that he wants
 nothing to do
with snakes.

It looks like I am
 dragging Jacpot but
as I walk
 past the snake he is
putting on the brakes
 and saying no...
 I soon after turned
around and returned
to safety and praised him.

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