Saturday, January 24, 2009

Jacpot Learns His Heritage

The results of the DNA test arrived yesterday from the BioPet Vet Lab. I don't know how accurate the testing is, but except for the first breed listed, we were all surprised. According to the results the following five dogs are what Jacpot's breeds are, going from highest percentage to lowest.

1. German Shephard
2. Boston Terrier
3. Poodle
4. Yorkshire Terrier
5. Bulldog
We decided that Jacpot's breed is a Borkerrier Shepoodle

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Jacpot Inspires Community Service

Part of the idea came from President Obama's inspiring message of community service and change, and part from going on many adventures with Jacpot. One idea of helping out, was to pick up trash when we go on adventures. Cindy bought me a Pick up "grabber" at Target and today we went to Hillview middle school to play frisbee, and take our first step toward making this place a little better.

We accomplished a good time of playing frisbee, and filled up a full bag of trash.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Jacpot Returns To The Happiest Place On Earth

With all due respect to Walt Disney, the stretch of beach between Morro Bay and Cayucus is the "Happiest Place On Earth" at least when it comes to dogs. Both Saturday and Sunday was perfect weather with the beach full of owners and their dogs. As Jacpot, Cindy, and I walked along the beach we were always in awe of the harmony of people, dogs, and beautiful scenery everywhere.

Jacpot takes off to go play.

Jacpot says hello.

Jacpot really says hello!

Then it's play time.

Cindy takes a picture of the 3 of us.

Surfers share the beach as well.

More friends.

Jacpot does some showing off with catching the frisbee as the beagle watches.

We took time out to have fish and chips on the Emabarcadero.

Jacpot's not ready to leave.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Jacpot Waits

And waits, and waits, and waits. It sure is easier to get out of shape, then into shape, nothing like today being a good day to start getting more fit. Fortunately, Jacpot was willing to wait for me as I slowly made my way up the hills. It's quite amazing how we had snow last month, and this month in January the weather is warm and reaching the 70's. Jacpot and I are definitely not complaining about this beautiful California weather.
If Jacpot could talk he'd be saying, "Can we pick up the pace a little pleeeeeease".
Finally a much deserved water break...

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Jacpot Goes To Fish Taco Tuesday

With Spring just around the corner, the weather nice, and my night class is over we thought it would be a good idea to return to Fish Taco Tuesday night at Rubio's.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Jacpot Gets a New Frisbee

After a great couple of weeks in the mountains we are back to the regular life in Palmdale and Jacpot's adventures are limited to a run in the hills, or trip to the park at the moment, but we are headed to the beach for a 3 day weekend on Friday. :-)

Except for dinner time Jacpot's life seems to consist of two things... Play and Rest.

While in the mountains Jacpot got plenty of play...

Upon returning home he got plenty of rest...

Jacpot is also tough on his frisbees, so the big excitement today was Jacpot got a new frisbee in the mail. Old frisbee below.

Of course we had to go to the park to try out the new frisbee...

Monday, January 5, 2009

Jacpot Enjoys Snowy Time In Cold Springs

We have arrived home after spending a few days with parents in Fresno and then a couple of weeks at the cabin in Cold Springs with family and friends.

Christmas dinner... Jacpot must have been camera shy.

Jacpot receives his own stocking filled with homemade dog biscuits made by Shirley.

Jacpot, Cindy, and Jerry enjoy a walk just after a nice snow storm.

Warren, Judy, and Cindy work on one of their clues that eventually leads them to their Christmas present, as Jacpot watches in the background. The previous clue led them to this jigsaw puzzle which had a clue written on the back of the puzzle.

Some of the group that went skiing.

Cindy and I pose for a picture. I am wearing my new helmet that I bought for skiing. I have become a fan of helmets after my fall on roller blades.

Jacpot, Cindy, and Chris pose for a picture.

Some of the gang takes a break from snow sledding at Pinecrest Lake.

Jacpot enjoys the fresh powder.