Thursday, March 26, 2009

Jacpot Goes Metal Detecting

Jacpot and I went to "Little Sweden" to do some metal detecting. Little Sweden is the name given to a local snow sledding hill that gets quite crowded with people riding down the hill on their saucers and sleds. The snow had melted so we took the metal detector looking for lost change, and today we raked in the large sum of 57 cents. Along with the change we found a nice Verizon LG phone and to my surprise after sitting in the snow for a few days it still worked. I was able to get ahold of numbers in the address book and talked to the brother of the owner of the phone and therefore was able to send the phone to its owner in the mail.
Jacpot checking out the phone we found.

Cindy, Cindy, Jacpot, and Chris went for another run around the lake today. Of course, it goes without saying we had a great time.
We take a break for a photo.
Jacpot leading Cindy up the hill.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well now that I reinstalled google, I may be able to send a message.
Looks like you had a good last day.